copyright 1/2001 jonah ohayv
Crop-circle peculiarities
I. Local Geographic
1 - most complex and famous formations occur in a definite area in England (Wiltshire, Hampshire, Wessex)
2 - often in close proximity to England's humanly-constructed Neolithic traditonal ritual ceremonial sites (Stonehenge, Silbury Hill, Avebury, etc.)
3 - on dowsable earth-energy lines (Michael's Meridian, Michael/Maria line, subsidiaries), and on ley-lines between historic holy sites
4 - aligned with magnetic or cardinal compass directions sometimes
5 - atop underground water sources, aquifers, or close to reservoirs, springs, rivers
6 - symmetric consistent regularity in the symbol's structure, despite differences in the field's topography, soil and moisture variations, patching of plants, etc.
7 - often on sloping ground offering good views of the formation
8 - often within view from or in close proximity to other sites, or to previous years' formations
9 - sometimes in the same fields through different years
10 - in temporarily growing fields of our daily food: f.ex. in grains as wheat, rye, barley, canola, rice; in vegetable-fields as potatoes, carrots, turnips, brussels sprouts; in sugar-cane and sun-flower plants; in tree-plantations; but also in grass, sand, scrub, snow and ice
II. Energy-forms ascertained
A. during creation period:
1 - preceding vertical light-beam
2 - short trilling sound recorded at ca. 5 kHz.
3 - balls of light (BoL) witnessed acting unusually after, before, or presumably during creation
....a - films show very intense light, variously-colored
....b - changes form, releases smaller lights
....c - vanishes instantaneously, or light retains its size as it recedes in distance
....d - has no physical depth (photo enhancement analysis)
....e - a foggy cloud which may condense to a light-object
....f - lights may be invisible to some or all witnesses, yet recorded on video and still-film
4 - 15-20 seconds estimated creation time
5 - circle made in the dead of night, sometimes several in the same night
6 - occasionally local power-shortage in nearby dwellings
B. within the circle:
1 - bursts of powerful microwave heat producing bent but unbroken stalks
2 - vast (cooling) water-drainage from underground, cracked earth occasionally, chalk-bed may become visible
3 - unusual silicon chrystal powder deposits may lie strewn about
4 - microscopic meteoric magnetite granules in the soil
5 - changes in nitrate/nitrogen ratios
6 - wider range of background electromag. radiation
7 - simpler energy sub-formations felt and measured, often strongest at a circle's center or edges
8 - camera/battery, mobile phone, watches' failure in circles sometimes, compass deflections occasionally
9 - electrical/motor instruments far overhead may be affected
10 - time-and-space dilation effects documented on photographs and by stop-watches
C. short-term (1-2 days): indications of decreasing radioactivity
D. longer-term after-effects:
1. electromagnetic energy pattern of a formation remains measurable also after harvesting (for at least a year)
2. a pattern may reemerge the same place in another type of plant, in snow, etc.
III. Swirling effects
1 - in varying directions, e.g. clockwise then counter-clockwise spiral-vortex swirling, along precise delineation lines within the figure
2 - up to 5 levels of directional layers felled in time-sequence
3 - often many sorts of lay in the same formation
4 - sophisticated lay-details, f.ex. weaving, sunbursts, nests, hollow baskets, "corn dollies"
5 - sometimes a standing tuft in a circle's center
6 - may swirl around large stones; individual stalks from a previous crop-sort may be left standing
7 - banding, a few stalks' leaves wrapping a band
8 - bands laid in ca. 12"-18" wide rows, parallel to each other and with seedheads aligned and intact
9 - usually an exact "cutting edge" to undamaged outside stalks
10 - sometimes exiting avenues of crop around a circle, with the same angle, size, and intervals
11 - a few stalks outside a formation may enter and join it
12 - some of the perimeter's stalks bent, at the same angle
IV. Geometric
1 - usually a surrounding outer circle
2 - comparisions with compass-straightedge "construction"
....a - "drawn" construction lines clearly (sometimes faintly) visible, but often most are "erased"/implied
....b - construction-points for drawing a pattern correspondingly lie (invisibly) within downlay formation-sections
....c - several formation variations are differently "shaded" construction-parts of the same basic pattern-combination
....d - "partly-drawn" outer segments imply quite new patterns extending beyond the outer boundary
3 - some specific formations develop exactly in separate later formations by adding progressive complexity
4 - a typical shape with many examples during 1-2 seasons, f.ex. various hexagons, 6-pointed stars, 6-petalled flowers
5 - form-themes through 1-2 seasons: f.ex. pictograms, insects, keys, galaxies, etc.
6 - progression from simple and small circles to 3, 4 (8), 5 (10), 6 (12), 9, and 7-sided figures through the years
7 - lengths are not in whole numbers, yet the parts are proportions of each other
8 - in rectangular or hexagonal motifs, smallest "circles" are sometimes rectangles/hexagrams
9 - implication of further spatial dimensions
....a - whole is most clear from the wide aerial view, not ground-level horizontal view
....b - sub-patterns in a formation overlapping and interacting dynamically, several choices of sub-patterns (not mutually exclusive) on both the same and growing scales
....c - sometimes a small extra "signature" figure
....d - slight irregularities in design symmetry implying a larger order, e.g. off circle-center swirling middles, short extra lines
....e - grapeshot circles (as a balancing factor from another perspective)
....f - building-block shapes with parts of the "next" blocks
....g - fractal-shapes imploding into the figure, or growing outwards
....h - interrupted lines filled out by the viewer's mind (assumptions) to make a whole form
....i - optical illusions
....j - many "circles" are ellipses, implying cyllinders
....k - slanting of the form implying its movement
....l - local depth and height by layering, nodes bent at different heights, slants of sheathing
....m - placement upon the field's topography enhances 3-D effects
....n - faint aerially-seen patterns made up of swirling-area boundaries, which "oppose" the darker, clearly marked major shapes
....o - 3-D from the aerial view by shading of swirling
....p - blueprints/partial views of solid forms
10 - mathematical fractals sometimes have circles as their last surrounding layer (may imply infinite continuity)
11 - principles of sacred architecture used, f. ex. the golden mean, golden rectangle, and Fibonacci progression
12 - numerical and numerological mysticism interpretations possible
13 - relations to musical notes, diatonic harmonies, and the "interference" of vibrational frequencies
14 - yantric mandala meditation possibility (loosely-focused staring, where the mind comes to resonate to the symbol's structure, to deepen consciousness or illustrate a sacred principle)
V. Symbolic content
1 - esoteric and well-known symbols from indigenous or widely-spread ancient civilizations' wisdom schools, religions and philosophical teachings, and their sacred art
2 - astromical bodies' relations (apparently) in stylized form
3 - geometrical relations illustrated systematically
4 - specific modern fractals
5 - vast numbers of gentle, beautiful, unknown symbols
6 - "clues" laid by implication, encoding
7 - each pattern is unique, implying unique meanings
VI. Growth
1 - sometimes of the individual pattern as a field's crop grows
2 - of patterns' size through the years
3 - in complexity of diagrams through the passage of time
4 - in the number of countries they appear in
5 - is similiar to organic growth, like branching
6 - the more we study, the more layers turn up for us
VII. Effects on crop in the formation
1 - heat expulsion and exploded or stretched nodes
2 - chystalline structure in cells changed
3 - seed heads stunted/malformed, their surrounding nutrient-giving membrane enlarged
4 - stalks gradually rise toward the sun and growth continues
5 - respiration rate differences compared to control plants
6 - seed reproduction abnormalities, either no seedlings at all or much weakened or strengthened seedlings
VIII. Effects on animals
1 - barking dogs and overactive cats beforehand sometimes, farm animals uneasy
2 - exploded and mashed porcupine incidents, incidents of dead flies stuck to stalks by their tongues or wings, scattered bird's feathers incidents
3 - animals and insects avoid completed formations
3 - flocks of birds overhead fly around the formation
4 - animals sometimes avoid a site during the next season also
IX. Effects on humans
1 - unplesant physical: tensions and their release - headaches, nausea, dizziness, etc.
2 - glandular: measured select hormone-level differences from the pineal and pituitary glands, affecting states of mind, energy-level, sexual secretions, etc.
3 - disharmonious moods: vague fear and anxiety, nervousness
4 - moods of resonance:
....a - peaceful, light, elated, delighted
....b - at the site, often awe and wonder
....c - existential: "you are not alone", nor the most advanced in creation
5 - pleasant physical: spontaneous healing
6 - gut-intellectual: at times unable to think or remember clearly within a circle, disoriented spatial directions or time-sense
7 - abstract intellectual: invites to exploration and contemplation of both "the bigger picture" and the details, expanding the level of consciousness
8 - spiritual: investigators' testimony of inspired self-development
X. Interaction with human psyche
1 - a research group's or a deeply commited researcher's meditative visualization, followed in the near future by a very similar pattern's field-appearance in the pre-designated area
2 - premonitions of patterns by circle-researchers and "sensitives"
3 - synchronistic events for researchers, f. ex. the coming season's forms "responding to" the collective researchers' stage of hypotheses and objections: an interactive "teaching" element is involved
4 - BoLs may appear in proximity during group-meditation in a circle and counter-react intelligently to individuals' reactions
5 - a growing inspiration, curiosity, awe, stimulation, nurturing, often spiritual in nature, of the individual circle-visitors and researchers
6 - teamwork is implicitly inspired among research branches
Some plausible creator theories:
1. - From contemporary more developed extraterrestrial beings, using advanced electromagnetic technology, to stimulate our evolution in our time of need, or as a preliminary step to invite us into galactic communication.
2. - From Gaia, to affect humanity's mentality and evolution, by giving sets of ideas and impulses to our unconcious sensitivity, which will gradually surface, so humans will support Gaia's own life-systems, instead of overburdening them.
3. - Earth-healing from powerful benefactors, to recharge the planet's energy-grid, readjust imbalances and create resonances, and implant enhancements on subtle energy levels, filtering down to the globe's dependent life-forms homeopathically and genetically - making imprints upon our consciousness directly, while bypassing our mentality's reductionism.
4. - From friendly earth-spirits, devas, angels with their usual compassion and helpfulness.
5. - Holographic symbols planted by wize ancestors in previous civilizations, or by extraterrestrial beings of yore, to arise when their usage is most needed by us, to stimulate us to pressing insights, and as a "hook" to entice us to deeply study these formations' underlying principles.
6. - From future human beings with knowledge of our history of symbols and thought, more skillful than we are now, to guide us into a new major development and to a greater world-view - including perhaps a tutorship in advanced physics with blueprints - at an interactive rate just comprehensible or palatable to us, but which they appropriately regulate.
7. - From deeply-involved circle-mileau persons, who subconsciously "trigger" specific telekinetic manifestations; or from one or more psychics elsewhere, as conscious ESP creations made for our inspiration and for their own creative joy.
8. - Archetypes from humanity's collective unconscious, spontaneously arising and birthing as polarity responses to f.ex. our information overload/ ego-centered materialism/ anxiety and stress, etc.
9. - From the inhabitants of a contemporary, perhaps nearby, normally invisible parallel universe, who are opening a dimensional doorway for us and giving us "signs" or sending us signals.
10. - From descending, extremely hot, electromagnetically ionized wind and plasma vortices, producing geometric interface-patterns at earth-surface, as they meet the earth's magnetic-lines and energy-fields, i.e. quite new bi-products of nature's non-sentient forces.
11. - Some combination or mixture of these sources and motives, such as creators working together on differing planes with combined purposes.
Recommended sources related to this list :
Articles -
See also Recommended Sources under "Reflections on plausible crop-circle creator theories".
To most easily understand the above outline more fully, I recommend that the reader carefully look at large photos of a number of formations and their details, and read some field-reports of their first-hand inspection.
Recommended photo/field-report sources -
Related subjects at this site:
- Some favorite formations
- Gathering most-likely genuine crop-circles
- Selected photos of crop-circle details
- Selected photos from hoaxed circles
- Reflections on plausible crop-circle creator theories
- Areas of correlation, for discovering Strings of Messages
- Toward a reliable "genuine crop-circle" base
- Crop-circles as an evolutionary nudge to our world-view and intellect
- UFOs contra Crop-circles, as messenger-forms
- Specific crop-circles' forms and the shape of the local Universe
- Chilbolton formations research-articles
- Psychological aspects of the Pitt "Alien" formation
- A message of dialogue
- The "snake" formation at Alton Barnes
- Shifting our geometrical criteria for judgement and widening our margin of error
- Geometrical lay details of 3 formations close up plus
honest common sense as evidence for/against authenticity
- Ground-construction as evidence for origin
- A mystical crop-circle's geometrical lay details
- Construction myths and "the Moire"
- Overlooking the obvious and seeing what we want to
- Unlikelihoods in the reports of "Apache helicopter formations"
- The Oliver's Castle video-debate: articles with evidence
- Problems with the theory of laser-light as crop-circles' immediate cause
- Crop-circle music
- Danish crop-circles, 2000-2005
- Danish crop-circles, 1995-1999
- Crop-circle geometry: top-notch introductory articles
- Special subjects' homepages: Balls of Light, Art and Science
- Recommended crop-circle links
- Crop-circle cartoons
- Crop-Circles Corner
Feel welcome to write. My e-mail address: